Nathan is quite the little man these days. He blows me away with how much he has grown. I do not know how much longer I can get away with calling him my "baby" - he is such a little boy now. He turned 19 months old last week, I cannot even believe that we have passed over the 1 and 1/2 year mark and are already on the way to him being 2 years old! Where has the time gone!!
He goes to daycare now, as I started a new job this month. He goes to a great little in-home preschool with a great group of about 12 kids. He LOVES it there! They do all kinds of educational and creative stuff. They have a great backyard play area, a ton of great toys, and they do all kinds of fun arts and crafts. He really enjoys his time there and I really love the lady who runs it so good things all around! :)
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. This Christmas is pretty exciting for a couple of reasons... #1 Jeff is actually off work this Christmas... which is a Christmas MIRACLE! I can honestly not even remember the last Christmas that Jeff was not working - it has been years. And #2, Nathan is actually old enough this year to understand opening presents and to be excited about the boxes under the tree. Christmas morning is going to be so fun with him!!! He has SO many gifts under that tree it is CRAZY and it is going to be a blast watching him open them all! I am so glad Jeff will be there!!
Here are a couple of my favorite recent pictures of him:
He is such a sweet little man. He chatters LIKE CRAZY these days, but most of it is still stuff that none of us can understand. He does have a handful of words, but for the most part he just jabbers away in jibberish. But he certainly tries to tell you stuff! He gets very serious about it and wonders why you don't understand! It's very cute!
He has insane amounts of energy and gets into EVERYTHING! Everyone who interacts with him comments on how busy he is!! He is quite the little handful... but he is a damn adorable handful so it's ok! :)