Nathan has grown and changed so much lately. He has TEN teeth now, two of which are molars and really gave him hell when they were coming in. He had a fever of about 100 degrees for about 3 days for each one of his molars. It was rough. Poor little guy!! But now he has a whole mouth full of teeth! :)
He runs all over the place and just never stops moving! He is so insanely active! When I put him to bed at night I am just ready to collapse! He tires me out!
He chatters up a storm these days, but the only word he knows is "Hi". He says it ALL THE TIME! From the moment he wakes up in the morning, until the moment he goes to bed at night, it is "Hi" "Hi" "Hi" all day long!! Everywhere we go, he says "Hi" to EVERYONE! He is the official greeter EVERYWHERE we go! :) He loves to say "Hi" and wave to people. When they say "Hi" back, he gets all giddy. It really makes his day. He is such a social little man! He loves people!! :)
He loves books lately. He likes to sit in his room and pull all of his books off of his bookshelf and "read" them. He turns the pages and looks at the pictures. It is so cute. And he will also bring them to you so you can read them to him. He hands you the book and then sits himself in your lap and waits. When you read to him he looks up at you and smiles a few times during the story. It is SO adorable!! :)
He is back in swim class again. It took us some time to get settled in our new place and to find a new swim school, but we found one and he has been going twice a week for a month now. He really loves it - just like he always did at his old swim school! He is such a little water baby! :)
Here are some recent pics of him.
This one is he & I in the pool at swim class (he had just come up out of the water):
& Here's one of my favs that I took of him recently - just playing in the living room with his toys: