The little guy is ten months old today!! I can hardly believe how quickly he got to the double digit mark!! What an amazing ten months it has been! He has 6 teeth now; 4 on the top and 2 on the bottom. He isn't walking YET, but he is close. He cruises around holding onto furniture and has gotten very fast at it! He has stood without holding onto anything, but only a couple of times and only for a few seconds. He has not yet said any words, but "Mama" is very close!! When he is really upset and he wants me, he will say "Mmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaa - mmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaa...." - so he's almost there!! He is the happiest little guy! He is always smiling and he loves people. He is always so curious about everyone wherever we go - it is fun to watch him "people watch".
He is absolutely the most wonderful little guy and I love him to pieces!!!
In addition to today being his 10 month birthday... it was his first St. Patrick's Day too! Grandma Patti got him this cute bib and some "Kiss Me" St. Patty's Day socks too! :)