Friday, February 27, 2009

Ready for Spring already!!!

Prior to being a Mom, winter was my favorite season. I love cold weather, sweaters, scarves, rain, ugg boots, hot cocoa, the holidays... everything about winter! LOVE IT! But now, winter means cold season, and with a baby, that SUCKS!! I never used to get sick much. Before Nathan came along I pretty much NEVER got sick! I have now learned however, that kids are little germ factories!! Their little baby immune systems make them susceptible to EVERYTHING and they get sick SO easily!! And while I can pretty well avoid catching a cold from my husband, or other adults in my life... it is pretty much impossible to avoid catching things from the little man. Hugging him, holding him, kissing him, and being otherwise very close to him is 100% unavoidable... so this winter I have been sick more times than I think I have been in the last 10 years!!! And poor little Nathan... he has been sick for most of the past two months!! Seeing your baby sick is just awful!!! He hurts and I can't make it better! I know how awful it feels to be sick and it sucks to see him go through it! And he has no idea why he feels so awful! It is just terrible! Nathan is sick again right now... fever, runny nose, cough... my poor little man! Last night when I put him to bed he just laid there moaning until he fell asleep! My heart broke for him!! I am so very ready for this cold season to be over. I never used to favor spring/summer over winter/fall... but I sure do now! Let's move on to the nicer seasons now please!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Growing too fast...

We retired the little man's swing yesterday.
I cannot believe he has outgrown it already!!! Up until about a week ago, he took every single one of his naps in that swing. It was used so often we actually burned through a motor and had to call and get a new one! It was a huge part of Nathan's life for a long time... it made me sad to retire it to the garage. My little man is growing WAY TOO FAST!!!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

More fun with food

Yesterday was a busy day for our little family. We got up and went out to breakfast, then we went to a baby store and bought a gift for the baby growin' in the belly of a friend of ours. She is due in April and yesterday we attended the surprise baby shower that her husband's family threw for her. After the baby shower we went to Costco and to the grocery store... we were running around out and about all day!! While we were out, whenever we ate, I gave Nathan a little something from my plate. At breakfast he got my toast crusts. He loved these and we actually had to only give him a small piece at a time, or he would fill his entire little mouth and gag on the too large amount of soggy bread in his mouth. At the baby shower, we gave Nathan pinto beans. He really liked them. We gave him one at a time, held out in our hand, and he would grab it up and pop it in his mouth just like he does with his cheerios everyday. I also gave him a couple of small pieces of pasta from the pasta salad. This was really the first time that we had fed Nathan from our own plates. Usually we just stick to him eating his baby food and stuff. It was so fun to feed him little bits of our food and to see how he liked it. He so loves that he is able to feed himself and it is fun to watch him. It is crazy that he is old enough to do that already... crazy that he is eating "adult" food. He is growing way too fast!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

My little smarty pants... the next Michael Jordan!!

Check out this video of the little man playing B-Ball

When I first saw him do this last night, I thought for sure it was an accident. There is no way that he put that ball in the hoop on purpose. Then, later in the evening, I saw him doing it with his blocks... he would grab a block, drop it in the hoop, and then pick it up and do it again. I was in awe!! Could my little 8 month old guy actually know what to do with his basketball toy already?? Sure enough... as he always does when he figures out a new skill... he repeated this new game of his over and over again all night long! It was one of those beaming with pride parenting moments when I felt like I had the smartest kid on the planet!! :)